
LangTime Chat, Episode 15: Tonogenesis Language Sketch, Part II

In episode 14, we began a language sketch that will eventually incorporate tone as a way of addressing tonogenesis in language. We continue that language sketch in this episode, as we add more details to the phonological inventory and sound shifts. While we don’t quite make it to tone (there is always more to add as you conlang!), we end in a place where we are fairly certain tone will be the focus of episode 16. We are getting there!


LangTime Chat, Episode 14: Tonogenesis Language Sketch, Part I

In this episode, we start a new conlang sketch to target Mike K.’s suggestion that we focus on tones in the podcast. Rather than just talking about tone, we are crafting a language with tone in it, taking opportunities to discuss options and reasons for making particular decisions along the way. This will be a series of episodes, and in this first one, we introduce the sound system and create some preliminary sound changes. You can check out the work we completed in the attached PDF, too!